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our latest episode:

Ep. 39 – Child Custody and Lactation: interview with family court judge James Jeffrey Culpepper

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Show Notes:

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Table of Contents
0:30 Welcome to the podcast!
1:05 Listener question of the week
3:25 Thank you to our sponsor Liquid IV
4:15 Introducing guest Jeff Culpepper
6:25 Breastfeeding awareness and the court
7:50 Breastfeeding and law education
10:45 Family court judges have wide discretion
13:40 Age of child and judge decisions
15:30 Breastfeeding and issues of control
16:25 The court process and arranging breastfeeding
19:40 Provide workable solutions for the judge
24:00 Negotiating opportunities before you’re in court
27:00 Lactation consultants helping in court?
28:20 Thinking about nighttime breastfeeding
33:00 Mediation the process and costs
38:30 Do actions during pregnancy impact custody?
42:15 We recognize, this is really hard
44:00 The goal is to raise healthy children
46:30 Judges and favoring parents
51:40 Learn about the judge you’ll be in front of
52:30 Remember: be reasonable and create solutions
54:38 Heather and Maureen, closing thoughts
55:05 A summary of advice
59:30 Thank you to our sponsor Breastfeeding for Busy Moms
1:00:25 The Milk Minute Awards in the Alcove!
1:01:20 Thank you for listening!

Credits and contact
Thanks to Cherie Louise Turner for editing and production and to Lindsay Brett Carothers for her musical stylings of our intro and outro.
Additional music credits, thank you beetpro, Wataboi and Mazzaccaro from Pixabay.
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