
woman taking a digital breastfeeding class

4 Ways a Digital Breastfeeding Class Can Help You

Our culture sends messages that make new parents question their self-worth, and a digital breastfeeding class can help you combat that doubtful voice inside. Many new parents tend to live on a slippery slope of anxiety, frequently wondering, “Am I enough to feed this baby?” Spoiler alert: You are! Here are 4 ways a digital […]

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successfully breastfeeding after a boob job

Successful Breastfeeding After Breast Implants!

The story of successful breastfeeding after breast implants begins long ago. My tumultuous relationship with my breasts started when I was 9 years old. I hadn’t even entered puberty, but I was already planning to get breast implants and wake up one day with the boobs of my dreams. Yes, it is very sad that

Successful Breastfeeding After Breast Implants! Read More »